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Insurances for an active lifestyle

Easy insurance purchase

Purchase insurance on the Citadele app within a minute.

Easy claims process

Submit claims in the Citadele mobile app.

No additional fees

All costs are included in the monthly fee.

The service is provided by the Lithuanian branch of "Balcia Insurance SE" through the agent AS "Citadele banka" Lithuanian branch, reg. No. 304498010, address Perkūnkiemio str. 5, LT-12129 Vilnius, phone No. +370 5 2000 630, email, website

Multi-trip travel insurance

If you are a frequent traveller, you may want to consider getting multi-trip travel insurance. This type of insurance covers you or/and your family for multiple trips within a year, even if you travel separately. You can enjoy peace of mind knowing that you are protected from financial losses in case of unforeseen events during your travels, such as:

  • Unexpected medical expenses, including COVID-19 related costs.
  • Delayed, damaged or lost luggage.
  • Flight delay or missed connection, trip cancellation, interruption or delay due to sudden illness or other reasons.
  • Flight delay or missed connection.
  • Cost of telephone calls to the insurer or emergency services.

Multi-trip travel insurance is valid for trips up to 90 days in duration. You are also covered for trips within Lithuania, as long as you are more than 80 km away from your permanent residence and have booked accommodation for at least one night.

Insurance packages

Standard Premium
Individual 3.50 EUR/ month
Family 8.40 EUR/ month
Individual 6.00 EUR/ month
Family 16.50 EUR/ month
Sports* yes yes
Extreme sports* - yes
Insured sum
Medical expense insurance 75 000 EUR 125 000 EUR
Emergency dental treatment or tooth damage 350 EUR 500 EUR
Medical aids 250 EUR 500 EUR
Luggage and personal property insurance 200 EUR 1000 EUR
Video, audio, photo, computer and similar equipment, electronics and their accessories, luggage and personal property insurance - 500 EUR
Delayed luggage 100 EUR 400 EUR
Theft and robbery of cash 100 EUR 150 EUR
Trip cancellation, interruption, delay and missed trip connection insurance, flight delays insurance 250 EUR 1000 EUR
Compensation for new tickets at higher cost in the case of cancelled travel 50% of the ticket price difference, max. 200 EUR 50% of the ticket price difference, max. 200 EUR
Accident insurance (death, body injury) 10 000 EUR 20 000 EUR
Cost of telephone calls 250 EUR 500 EUR
CASCO insurance deductible coverage in accordance with vehicle rental contract - 1500 EUR
Third-party liability insurance 5000 EUR 10 000 EUR
Skiing insurance - 100 EUR
COVID-19 insurance

Medical expense insurance

75 000 EUR 125 000 EUR
COVID-19 insurance

Insurance against trip cancellation or interruption

- 1000 EUR
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Individual 3.50 EUR/ month
Family 8.40 EUR/ month
Sports* yes
Extreme sports* -
Medical expense insurance 75 000 EUR
Emergency dental treatment or tooth damage 350 EUR
Medical aids 250 EUR
Luggage and personal property insurance 200 EUR
Video, audio, photo, computer and similar equipment, electronics and their accessories, luggage and personal property insurance -
Delayed luggage 100 EUR
Theft and robbery of cash 100 EUR
Trip cancellation, interruption, delay and missed trip connection insurance, flight delays insurance 250 EUR
Compensation for new tickets at higher cost in the case of cancelled travel 50% of the ticket price difference, max. 200 EUR
Accident insurance (death, body injury) 10 000 EUR
Cost of telephone calls 250 EUR
CASCO insurance deductible coverage in accordance with vehicle rental contract -
Third-party liability insurance 5000 EUR
Skiing insurance -
COVID-19 insurance

Medical expense insurance

75 000 EUR
COVID-19 insurance

Insurance against trip cancellation or interruption


Buy in app

Individual 6.00 EUR/ month
Family 16.50 EUR/ month
Sports* yes
Extreme sports* yes
Medical expense insurance 125 000 EUR
Emergency dental treatment or tooth damage 500 EUR
Medical aids 500 EUR
Luggage and personal property insurance 1000 EUR
Video, audio, photo, computer and similar equipment, electronics and their accessories, luggage and personal property insurance 500 EUR
Delayed luggage 400 EUR
Theft and robbery of cash 150 EUR
Trip cancellation, interruption, delay and missed trip connection insurance, flight delays insurance 1000 EUR
Compensation for new tickets at higher cost in the case of cancelled travel 50% of the ticket price difference, max. 200 EUR
Accident insurance (death, body injury) 20 000 EUR
Cost of telephone calls 500 EUR
CASCO insurance deductible coverage in accordance with vehicle rental contract 1500 EUR
Third-party liability insurance 10 000 EUR
Skiing insurance 100 EUR
COVID-19 insurance

Medical expense insurance

125 000 EUR
COVID-19 insurance

Insurance against trip cancellation or interruption

1000 EUR

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* Insurance is not valid if you participate in competitions or sports as a professional athlete.

Extended warranty insurance

If you want to use household or electrical appliances for a longer period of time, you may need extended warranty insurance.

  • This insurance covers the repair costs of your products for one more year counting from the expiration date of manufacturer's warranty which is no longer than 2 years.
  • This way, you can avoid paying for expensive repairs or replacements and extend the life of your products. Plus, you can insure all the products you buy with your Citadele account during the purchasing period as indicated in your insurance T&C, not just one.
  • Insurance be valid as well for purchases which is bought in internet shop, 3 days before policy start day.

And the best part is, there are no deductibles.

Insurance plans

2.75 EUR/ month
5.20 EUR/ month
Insured amount 1000 EUR 5000 EUR
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2.75 EUR/ month
Insured amount 1000 EUR

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5.20 EUR/ month
Insured amount 5000 EUR

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Purchase insurance

The insurance covers losses occurring from damage or theft within 180 days of purchase. Important: the purchase must have been paid for from a Citadele account.

Insurance payouts will cover the cost of the purchase and serves as an additional guarantee if a purchase is:

  • partially damaged;
  • irreversably damaged;
  • stolen.

The insurance also includes price protection on, for example, electronics, mobile devices, everyday goods and home furnishings, and we will compensate the price difference if the store where you purchased the product reduces the price by more than €20 within 30 days of purchase.
Insurance be valid as well for purchases which is bought in internet shop, 3 days before policy start day.

Insurance plans

4.00 EUR / month
7.00 EUR / month
Theft, robbery or damage to the purchased item within 180 days of purchase (deductible 50 EUR, for electrical goods – 100 EUR) 1000 EUR 5000 EUR
Price protection
(price difference must be at least 20 EUR)
300 EUR 500 EUR
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4.00 EUR / month
Theft, robbery or damage to the purchased item within 180 days of purchase (deductible 50 EUR, for electrical goods – 100 EUR) 1000 EUR
Price protection
(price difference must be at least 20 EUR)
300 EUR

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7.00 EUR / month
Theft, robbery or damage to the purchased item within 180 days of purchase (deductible 50 EUR, for electrical goods – 100 EUR) 5000 EUR
Price protection
(price difference must be at least 20 EUR)
500 EUR

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City Combo

You can take out City Combo insurance for all types of scooters, bicycles, self-balancing scooters, snowboards and skis, as well as for other alternative means of transport that do not require registration. The insurance cover is valid 24 hours a day throughout Lithuania. No deductible/excess.

City Combo insurance covers:

  • damage to vehicles used by you or your family members (both in motion and in storage);
  • accident losses due to damage to your or your family member’s health or life (both while moving and while carrying out daily tasks);
  • damage to third parties arising from civil liability (both while moving and while carrying out daily tasks).

No deductible/excess.

City Combo plans

2.42 EUR / month
3.25 EUR / month
Insurance of bicycle, scooter etc.* 1000 EUR 2000 EUR
Collision 100 EUR 200 EUR
Accidents 1000 EUR 2000 EUR
Civil Liability 1000 EUR 2000 EUR
Hospital allowance / daily 10 EUR 10 EUR
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2.42 EUR / month
Insurance of bicycle, scooter etc.* 1000 EUR
Collision 100 EUR
Accidents 1000 EUR
Civil Liability 1000 EUR
Hospital allowance / daily 10 EUR

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3.25 EUR / month
Insurance of bicycle, scooter etc.* 2000 EUR
Collision 200 EUR
Accidents 2000 EUR
Civil Liability 2000 EUR
Hospital allowance / daily 10 EUR

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* Your and your family's vehicle, which is not subject to mandatory registration.


  • You can buy a policy if you are at least 18 years old.
  • Subscribe to billing for a year and cancel whenever you want.
  • You have the right to terminate the contract within the first 14 days after concluding the contract, in which case you will be refunded the entire amount of the deposit.
  • Payment for the policy is made automatically from the account once a month.
  • You can fill out an insurance case application in the Citadele app: More > Insurance > My insurances.

Relevant before signing the contract

  • Assess your needs: what kind of protection do you require and whether it is provided by the selected product.
  • Check the terms and conditions of the insurance contract: what will be the insurance coverage, when will the insurance benefit be paid, what will be the monthly premiums and in what order they will need to be paid.
  • Check the detailed list of non-insurable events: find out in cases of which events or activities the insurance benefit will not be paid.

Check terms and conditions of multi-trip travel insurance, extended warranty insurance, purchase insurance and City Combo insurance.

Where to call if there's an accident?

Contact SE Balcia customer service by calling +370 5 2000 630 or write an e-mail to Claims administration is carried out through the Lithuanian branch partner of Balcia Insurance SE, UAB OPS International, company code 111545266, address Liudviko Zamenhofo g. 3, LT-06332 Vilnius.

Didn’t find the answer to your question?

Visit our interactive assistant and find the information you need

Interactive assistant
What is purchase insurance?

Purchase insurance is a service which acts as an additional guarantee for purchases. Compensation is issued for damage or loss of purchases caused by theft, robbery or damage. It is also called electronics, product, mobile phone, household item or home appliance insurance.

How much does bicycle / electric scooter insurance cost?

The insurance price depends on the chosen coverage.

How do I make a purchase insurance claim?

You can make a insurance claim through the Citadele app. Log in, go to the Services screen, and click on Insurance > My Insurance > Submit a claim.

What to do in case of an accident?

1. Contact the competent authority and report the accident (to the police if there has been a theft, robbery or road traffic accident; to the firefighting and rescue service - about a fire; to the emergency service - about an explosion, etc.), take measures to prevent and reduce losses, ensure that the circumstances of the accident and the objects damaged in the accident are photographed or filmed and, as far as possible, contact Balcia Insurance SE.

2. Submit, if possible, the extent of damage:

  • Invoice/estimate for possible repair or replacement;

3. The decision on the payment of compensation will be made and sent to you no later than 5 (five) days from the day when all documents are received, which are important for determining the reasons, circumstances and consequences of the insurance event and for calculating the amount of the insurance compensation.

What does purchase insurance cover?

Insurance compensation will be due for losses caused by:

• Theft

• Robbery

• Damage (all accidents that are not listed as exceptions to the rules)

• Price protection

What are the limitations and exclusions of purchase insurance?

The insurance coverage does not include purchases not made from the Citadele account, as well as negotiable instruments, cash, animals, plants, traveler's checks, air tickets, second-hand goods and vehicles subject to mandatory registration. You can see the full list in our Terms and Conditions. 

How do I make a city combo insurance claim?

You can make a city combo insurance claim through the Citadele app. Log in, go to the Services screen, and click on Insurance > City Combo Insurance > Submit a claim.

More questions
What is purchase insurance?

Purchase insurance is a service which acts as an additional guarantee for purchases. Compensation is issued for damage or loss of purchases caused by theft, robbery or damage. It is also called electronics, product, mobile phone, household item or home appliance insurance.

How much does bicycle / electric scooter insurance cost?

The insurance price depends on the chosen coverage.

How do I make a purchase insurance claim?

You can make a insurance claim through the Citadele app. Log in, go to the Services screen, and click on Insurance > My Insurance > Submit a claim.

What to do in case of an accident?

1. Contact the competent authority and report the accident (to the police if there has been a theft, robbery or road traffic accident; to the firefighting and rescue service - about a fire; to the emergency service - about an explosion, etc.), take measures to prevent and reduce losses, ensure that the circumstances of the accident and the objects damaged in the accident are photographed or filmed and, as far as possible, contact Balcia Insurance SE.

2. Submit, if possible, the extent of damage:

  • Invoice/estimate for possible repair or replacement;

3. The decision on the payment of compensation will be made and sent to you no later than 5 (five) days from the day when all documents are received, which are important for determining the reasons, circumstances and consequences of the insurance event and for calculating the amount of the insurance compensation.

What does purchase insurance cover?

Insurance compensation will be due for losses caused by:

• Theft

• Robbery

• Damage (all accidents that are not listed as exceptions to the rules)

• Price protection

What are the limitations and exclusions of purchase insurance?

The insurance coverage does not include purchases not made from the Citadele account, as well as negotiable instruments, cash, animals, plants, traveler's checks, air tickets, second-hand goods and vehicles subject to mandatory registration. You can see the full list in our Terms and Conditions. 

How do I make a city combo insurance claim?

You can make a city combo insurance claim through the Citadele app. Log in, go to the Services screen, and click on Insurance > City Combo Insurance > Submit a claim.

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