
Effective since 02.04.2024

Service Fee
From C cards account1, electronically2.9 From other accounts, electronically2 In branch or SkyBranch
Payments to own account within Citadele group Free of charge 10 EUR
Payment to another customer's account within the Citadele group Free of charge 0.20 EUR3 10 EUR
Standard EUR payments within the EU (SEPA, SEPA Instant payments) Free of charge 0.40 EUR3 10 EUR
Payments outside SEPA in any currency4,5 18 EUR Not offered
Urgent payments outside SEPA in any currency4,5 35 EUR Not offered
Non-SEPA incoming transfers with commission type BEN and SHA 10 EUR or equivalent Not offered
Other payments services
Regular payment service or e-invoice regular payment service implementation/agreement amendment Free of charge 10 EUR
Processing of cancellation request of the payment to Citadele Group (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia) or payment in Euros to other Lithuanian banks7 10 EUR
Investigation, amendment of the payment or processing of payment's cancellation’s request – other cases 7 50 EUR + additional fee8
Payment through the PLAIS instruction to the beneficiary's account within the bank and to other banks 1 EUR
  • 1 Special conditions apply to payments initiated from C smart, C Supreme, C prime, C Infinite accounts.
  • 2 Payments initiated in the Internet bank, in the mobile app, regular payments and e-invoices payments.
  • 3 Free of charge for Mastercard Debit card for youth and Seniors.
  • 4 Same fee is applied regardless of payment charge type (SHA or OUR). In case of charge type OUR all fees related to payment processing are covered by the payer. Citadele bank is not liable if the correspondent bank or the beneficiary bank has not followed the instructions given in the payment order or beneficiary has not been received in full due to other reasons. The Lithuanian branch of AS Citadele banka reserves the right to withhold the commission fees claimed by the recipient bank or otherwise related to the payment from the Customer’s account without additional acceptance.
  • 5 Detailed information about currencies available for payments and information on payment submission and execution cut-off times, can be found on webpage
  • 6 The fee is taken in addition to the standard fee for incoming and outgoing payments and the fee is charged from the Customer account regardless of payment commission type. List of countries to which additional fee is applied is published in
  • 7 If the payment is not sent out to the beneficiary bank, payment will be cancelled free of charge. The fee is applied regardless of whether the funds have been refunded. If the funds have already been credited to beneficiary account, the funds will be returned only with the consent of the recipient.
  • 8 Additional fees can occur if the correspondent bank or beneficiary bank requests additional commission fee for investigation/cancellation of the payment. The Lithuanian branch of AS Citadele banka reserves the right to withhold the mentioned additional fees from the Customer’s account without additional acceptance.
  • 9 Until 2 April 2024 the card was called X card.